Getting the most out of Therapy

To ensure you receive the best possible experience out of psychotherapy, the following approach is a great way to ensure you get the most out of your time:

  1. Set yourself a specific goal that you’d like and communicate that with your therapist.
  2. Are you looking for solutions or a space to process your feelings?
  3. Let your therapist know if you have external support outside of the sessions
  4. Give communication information so if anything changes at the last minute or there is an emergency then there are contacts in place for additional support
  5. What brings you to therapy now? When did you first notice that something was wrong?
  6. Is there a background to the issue becoming more problematic or did it slowly creep up on you?
  7. Allow yourself the space to process the ideas discussed during the session.
  8. If your therapist mentions things that feel uncomfortable to you, always be up front and say so.
  9. Be truthful.  If you withhold information you might find that what transpires as a result is not right for you.
  10. If you don’t gel with your therapist, say so – therapists know that not everyone gets along and they really will understand if you wish to find a different therapist.
  11. Think about the phrase “If I were to wave a magic wand, how different would your life look”?
  12. What makes you happy?  Can you remember a time when everything was just as you wanted?
  13. We are relational beings; everything is about your relationship – with others and with yourself
  14. Make peace with your past so it doesn’t determine your present and future.
  15. Your therapist may ask you about your childhood, but whilst it doesn’t always determine your current behaviour although it may have led to ingrained behaviours that no longer serve.

Always remember, it is YOUR time, YOUR space and it is confidential.  The only time when things need to be divulged to a third party is if your therapist thinks there is a risk of harm.

It is always a privilege to work with people in a very sensitive and thought provoking process.  Practice self care (whatever works for you – walk in nature, art, sports, being with good friends whom you can confide in, spiritual practices that work for you – being kind to yourself).  This is even more important when in therapy as things can be uncovered that might trigger you.  If this happens, please be as transparent as possible with your therapist.